Offline Ups
One of the most widely used UPS that is common among people; UPS OFFLINE, this UPS S strong> It is for personal computers and home use.
Before going into the full description, UPS offline; It is better to first know what UPS is?
If we want to briefly define UPS; It can be said, UPS is an uninterrupted energy source that supplies the electricity needed by various equipment.
These uninterrupted resources are available in three types:
Online UPS
Interactive UPS
In this article, we mean offline UPS.
What is offline UPS?
One of the types of UPS is offline UPS. be In general, the nature of UPS is uninterrupted power supply and protection of electronic devices; If a danger threatens any expensive electronic device, the UPS will prevent this from happening and become the victim of the equipment itself.
The use of offline UPS technology is recommended when you need uninterrupted power for home use or personal computers, because the nature of offline UPS is only uninterrupted power supply. In case of failure and problem of city electricity.
Disadvantages and advantages of offline UPS
UPS offline, the possibility of direct access to city electricity using the process by pass to consumers and since this technology can only be used in the event of a city power failure, it has lost its popularity and this has caused its production and supply to the market to stop.
But it is noteworthy that every device that is offered to the market has a series of advantages and a series of disadvantages. Therefore, despite its disadvantages, offline UPS also has advantages.
Offline UPS is superior to other UPS with low price and affordability and constant power supply. But because it cannot always be used in any field, it has lost its fans
This type of UPS in anti-theft, home appliances, ATMs, personal computers , premises and smart buildings, attendance equipment and closed circuit cameras, application has it.
Buying guide from Tesla store
You can order all types of UPS batteries and ups equipment and all types of batteries with the best quality and price from the Tesla website and they will be delivered with the best quality and price. Buy quality from the Tesla store.
Tesla provides all its products and accessories directly and without intermediaries to customers, and other customers pay They do not pay extra for mediation.
If you have any questions and requests for advice about your purchase, you can contact the support numbers and share your problem and question with our experts.
Support and contact numbers with Tesla (02188312456 / 02188861253).
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