Borri UPS

Buri Company is an Italian battery and UPS manufacturing company that produces special batteries for power equipment of organizations, oil and gas refineries, industrial process and energy storage systems. This company, having more than 80 years of experience in battery and UPS production, is one of the best UPS battery manufacturers. It is in the world that we will examine further.

History of UPS Buri Company
Ernesto Buri founded the Buri company in 1932 and since then he started making special UPSs for industrial facilities and later with the advancement of technology, he added to the quality of these products and despite the unfavorable economic conditions in the world, very good progress and in 2014, Bori Company worked with Astrid Energy Enterprises to market more attractive and quality products.

Today, Buri’s products are sold in 5 continents, and it operates with subsidiaries in America, Canada, India, and Malaysia, and has a wide representative network of its products.

The purpose of the company is to create a long-term value for buyers, employees and shareholders under a great emotional commitment, ethical management and continuous improvement in the industry and continuous and incremental improvement of customers.

Types of UPS produced by Buri company
Bori production company produces all kinds of UPS. From all types of Buri UPS

1- Standby UPS (offline)

2- Online UPS

3-UPS interacting with the line or interactive line

Last word

Lotus Alborz Power Company under the brand Tesla in 2010 with the aim of importing all kinds of electrical equipment and stabilizer and… support for domestic goods was established. In order to meet all the needs of buyers of electric and electrical appliances, our collection, in addition to domestic companies, cooperates with many countries such as Germany, Korea, Taiwan, America, Turkey, China, and Italy in order to meet the needs of buyers of electric and electrical appliances and considering the problems of urban electricity flow and protection of all electrical appliances. slow If you are looking to buy Buri’s UPS, you can contact our consultants at Tesla and get a free consultation.

Got any questions? For technical support, please call us +982188861253 +982188312456 +989194551896 +989104609393

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